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- Watching in Jan 2020 and still feeling bad for Japan. Belgium won the match but Japan won hearts and respects
- Wat staat die dwaas daar in zijn handen te klappen?
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- Dancer, and follow instead the Harrow boys; and say that I came on some such business as that of my lantern-bearers on the links; and described the boys as very cold, spat upon by flurries of rain, and drearily surrounded, all of which they were; and their talk as silly and indecent, which it certainly was
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- Schit ik ben in slaap gevallen op de treijn en ben terug in Diepenbeek ja pff sorry eh volgende jaar kom ik zeker mee he laat je maar weten waar het is
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- You are not right. I am assured. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM.
- Ook dit dropje won ooit de loterij, op één iemand na
- Verknoei je tijd op een nuttige manier!