Brieven aan Brigitte
ingestuurd door John Blue
Hi, today there are sadly some bad news for you.Your device was infected with my private malware, your browser wasn't updated / patched, in such case it's enough to just visit some website where my iframe is placed to get automatically infected, if you want to find out more, Google: Drive-by exploit.
My malware gave me full access to all your accounts, full control over your device and it also was possible to spy on you over your cam.
If you think this is some bad joke, no, I know your password: honderdhond1980
I collected all your private data and I RECORDED YOU (through your cam) SATISFYING YOURSELF!
After that I removed my malware to not leave any traces and this email was sent from some hacked server.
I can publish the video of you and all your private data on the whole web, the darknet, social networks, over email and send everything to all your contacts.
You can stop me and only I can help you out in this situation.
The only way to stop me, is to pay exactly $1400 in Bitcoin (BTC).
It's a very good offer, compared to all that horrible shit that will happen if I publish everything.
You can easily buy Bitcoin (BTC) here: , , , or check for Bitcoin (BTC) ATM near you, or Google for other exchanger.
You can send the Bitcoin (BTC) directly to my wallet, or install the free software: Atomicwallet, or: Exodus wallet, then receive and send to mine.
My Bitcoin (BTC) wallet is: 1CK41adce6KuM3UM2eySnzUyR9SAJnf4wu
Yes, that's how the wallet / address looks like, copy and paste it, it's (cAsE-sEnSEtiVE).
I give you 2 days time to pay.
As I got access to this email account, I will know if this email has already been read.
After receiving the payment, I will remove everything and you can life your live in peace like before, don't worry, I keep my promise.
Next time make sure that your device got the newsest security updates.
ClientMailID: 9444844
John Blue
Brigitte antwoordt:
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